Spiritual Vision

Promoting Earth Wisdom for Global Awakening

Real consciousness is an inner pressure that keeps you from living in self-satisfaction. It holds your heart down to Earth, so you do not forget, so you can listen to the great vastness of Earth with your amazed soul.

— Ohki Forest

The 2 Medicine Centers in Chiapas & the New Mexico center in the U.S. created by Ohki Forest (www.ohkiforest.com), have served the spiritual revival & the cultural growth of Maya indigenous & international students. The living models of Council Ways at these Centers are deeply rooted in Ohki’s teachings of the true, sacred dream of Earth, the return of the Feminine & her Council ways based in ancient Native ways.

The volunteer work of Red Wind Councils has brought many opportunities for the Maya people, women, daughters, men & children to express themselves & sparked life into dreams that have been so often frustrated since the conquest. We at Red Wind share a common desire to change an oppressed mind-set born of 530 years of repression, a mind-set that has instilled deep feelings of inferiority & lethargy.

We believe in the inherent strength & spirit of the people. Our focus for over 3 decades with the Maya encourages greater self-confidence & an experience of unity through the recovery of their traditional spiritual & cultural ways. Through spiritual, educational, cultural & social projects, we create islands of sanity, & beneficial alliances with the people to help them revive their traditional ways before they are lost.

A healthy society is not an unrealizable Utopia, but the only real ideal we should all have.     

— Ohki Forest

Ancient Maya & other native prophecies concerning the end & beginning of Cycles of Time on Earth say that we are leaving the Era of Man, which lasted 5,400 years, & are now entering the Era of Woman.  It is a time of the Restitution of Women, where the cosmic forces of our Earth’s field are returning their natural power at the Center of our world’s wheel & affairs.  There is much work so be done to replace the terrible imbalances created by humanity.  The restitution calls for both women & men to walk together in unity amidst the death throes of patriarchy. This is powerful medicine to all our hearts & spirits for healing our beloved Earth, connecting more deeply with one another through the True Dream of Earth, the one deep within each of us. By taking our bearings from the Maya indigenous leaders & women, it provides us with a powerful root of inspiration, courage & determination in the face of injustice & instability.

Ohki’s teachings on the Council Wheel ways bring a process of learning that powerfully shifts cultural perspectives, fosters spiritual transformation & helps students of all cultures assume greater responsibility, respect & gratitude for the forces of the universe. In order to better assist with this essential purpose, Ohki has created Medicine Centers that support the renewal of indigenous spirituality & Native teachings, & heal the First Wound of the Americas. (About Ohki ~ www.ohkiforest.com)

To become a True Human is to strive with all our hearts & spirits to gain freedom & totality by creating a better world.     

— Ohki Forest
